
Adult Bible Study

Adult Bible Study

Discipleship is the lifestyle of walking with God. Bible Studies for Life provides followers of Jesus with a pathway to walk on as they become more like Jesus and advance His kingdom.


Craig Wegener

MCC Adult Bible Study Director

God's Little Ropers

God's Little Ropers

Because we believe that Scripture is clear that parents are the primary disciple-makers in the lives of their children, our hope is to partner with families in their pursuit of this mission, coming alongside them in the discipleship process.

MCC Caring Hearts

Martha Shreeve

MCC God's Little Ropers Leader

Bible Buckaroos

Bible Buckaroos

Come to know God more deeply and develop their faith. The kids enjoy a time of worship, small group time, and various activities, which help them understand God’s Word.

MCC BibleB

Mary Mennix

MCC Bible Buckaroos Leader

Eternity Seekers

Teen Bible Study

Discover more info about our ministry just for youth. Join our teen bible study every week for worship, relationship, and fun!

Michael & Areli Pilcher

MCC Youth Pastors

Ultimate Discovery

Ultimate Discovery


Ben Daniel

MCC Ultimate Discovery Leader